***What A Great 50th Reunion Celebration We Had!***
Upon entering the restaurant we turned right and signed in and received name tags which included our senior photo
to help others recognize who we are. |
***What An Unexpectedly Special Greeting We Received!***
First we checked in and received our photo-embellished name tag. |
Our Reunion Coordinator Reiko (Yamashita) Nabeta greeted each of us and handed us an attractively wrapped reunion gift bag containing a
bottle of wine, a dark chocolate bar, a 60's music CD, and an updated class directory, each item having a reunion-specific cougar logo label or cover.
Beverley (Weeks) Damas provided each classmate with a goblet-shaped glass upon which she had beautifully etched a custom-designed form
of our AHS Cougar Logo. |
***As we entered the room we began our Reunion Journey down memory lane!***
Music from the 60's playing in the background inviting us to remember those earlier
days when we grew up together in Albany. We knew that we had arrived, and that our AHS Class of '63 50-Year Reunion was under way!
***Memories of the Distant Past Were Quickened at the Photo Poster Boards***
To our right, some were gathered at the memorabilia tables around the poster boards
that reminded us with photos of our grammar school and high school days. In front of the boards were a broad variety of interesting memorabilia to make the browsing even more fascinating and inviting.
***We Then Turned Left to Enter the Social Arena of Reconnecting with Our Classmates***
To our left other classmates and guests were mingling and getting settled at their
tables. PLEASE NOTE: To facilitate easier recognition by most, the Names We Went By In High School are generally the names that you will see on some of these photos. For the present names of your friends, if you
need a refresher you will find it in the directory that you received. |