This is for Those of You Who Need Even More Help - It is Arranged Alphabetically by Last Name, Followed by the
Position #.
Louise Ashton (Lotz) #24; Lorrene Baum (Davis) #61; Wayne Broderson #5; Steve Brown #10; Dema Bruce (Caldera) #60; Chris Calderhead #70;
Diane Calegari (Nearhood) #56; Charles Call #39; Thomas Chatfield #8; Teacher Wallace Choy #69; Richard (Dick) Clopton #31; Allen Connolly #16;
Donald Cooley #33; Sharon Cooley (Steele) #59; Marion Cooper (Foster) #21; Charlie Crosetti #50; Teacher Virginia Cullinan #55;
Judy Cummings (Underhill) #13; Dale Dalmas #66; Victor Dela Cruz #26; Karen Downing (McSweeney) #65; Richard (Dick) Edwards #32;
Christine Eisner (Connolly) #12; Jerry Foott #23; (Carl) Ernie Fosselius #45; Gary Fulkerson #11; Suzie Gausman (Dennett) #29;
Barbara Hino (Elfving) #18; Karen Ingenthron #44; Mike Jordan #63; Anita Juliana (Murry) #54; Linda Lamanno (Stockton) #40;
Diane Leimone (Piziali) #43; Sally Llewellyn (Hankins) #4; Peter Loustalet #25; Joe Lowry #67; Bill MacKenzie #71; Diane Mangold (Walden) #34;
Jim McCormick #72; Gayle McGaw (Bremenkamp) #27; Joe McKeown #2; Michael McNair #46; Dan Mikulich #28; Susan (Sue) Minear (Morriss) #51;
Jean Morrison (Hewett-Fritz) #6; Pam Moulton (Rotner) #3; Sandy Moulton (Zades) #1; Pam Muller (Coody) #47; Nikki Nahmens (Gage) #9;
Sharon Nunes (Marshall) #53; Van Obermuller #30; Bondy Patterson (Logan) #36; Ralph Pericoli #57; Doris Pruden (Quick) #35; William Radcliffe #62;
Richard Rago #38; PaulaJean (Paula) Ralston (John-Paul) #52; William Reynolds #68; Anita Schaefer (Courtnier) #41; Rosetta (Shanna) Selix (Boigon) #14;
Thelma Shafer (Copeland) #17; William Shaw #49; Lenore Sorenson (Serpa) #37; Carol Spicer #20; Jeff Steele #22; Diantha Tidwell (Potter) #19;
Linda Vallerga (Manzari) #58; Pam Valli (Fellman) #7; Beverley Weeks (Damas) #48); Judith Wilson (Crosetti) #42; Philip Wood #64;
Reiko Yamashita (Nabeta) #15.
Remember to check the photo below to find the Position #. This will quickly show you where to look in the photo above for the person whos picture
you are seeking.
Below is our Who's Who Photo for the 40th Reunion
Left to Right, Front to Back (names as we knew them in high school) KNEELING: Don Cooley, Michele Lasagna, Joe McKeown,
Mr. Phil Elwood, Steve Brown, Richard (Dick) Edwards, Richard (Rich) Rago, Nikki Nahmens, Diane Mangold, Diane Leimone, Pam Muller, Linda Lamanno; STANDING MIDDLE ROW: Reiko Yamashita, Audrey Rein, Richard (Dick) Clopton, James (Jim) Farrington, Betty Ruh, Diantha Tidwell, Lynda Kimmell, Sheryl Nichols, Penny Jo Hendrickson, Shirley Carrancho, Janet Brown, Nancy Young, Linda Vallerga, Sally Llewellyn, Judy Cummings, Jean Morrison; BACK ROW: Gary Fulkerson, Mike Radcliff, Bill McKenzie, Mike McNair, Charles Crossetti, Bondy Patterson, Sharon Nunes, Dan Mikulich, Dale Dalmas, Joseph (Joe) Lowry, Ralph Pericoli, Suzie Gausman, Charles Call, Phil Wood, Paula Ralston, Karen Downing, Bill Thomas, Anthony (Tony) Cabral, Bill Shaw, Judy Wilson
The Photos and Lists Above are for Those of You Who, Like Me, Welcome All The Help You Can Get With Things Such As This...(Smile)
If you would like your contact information and/or personal website address information
and comments visible to our site visitors, please log into our
and enter what it is you would like others to see.
If you would like any of your current contact information made available only to AHS Class of 1963 school mates by having it included in our directory, or
if you are one who did not graduate with us from AHS in 1963, but rather attended grammar school and/or several high school years
with us at Albany High School in California and have not been receiving our Reunion Invitation guest notifications,
please send your contact information (including email address if you have one) to Reiko Yamashita Nabeta for inclusion in the class directory at Please be sure to also include your full name now;
the name you used in school; and the years you attended school with us.
You may want to check out! The number of registered AHS Members Class of '63 is still growing and by being even an unpaid member of "Classmates" you can keep tabs on "multiple-class" reunions being scheduled. Plus you can use that site for posting family photos, etc.
if you want them to be seen by a broader audience than will likely see this site.
For those with a "Facebook" account, Facebook/groups/Albany CA Class of 1963 Reunion is a great FREE place to find and reconnect with former classmates, let them know what you're doing, ask questions, and post pictures and short videos that tell a bit of your story.
This is the easiest site for spontaneous and close-to-real-time sharing. If you like the idea, it just might make it worth your while to join "Facebook" if you have not already done so.
Welcome Vistor #
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